# shell交互方式zadd数据
ZADD key score member
# 本次在Python脚本方式写的(错误情况)
online = redis.Redis(host="ip", port="端口")
local = redis.Redis(host="ip", port="端口")
local_pip = local.pipeline()
local_pip.zadd(key, score, member) // 错误示范
导致AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'items'
一开始还以为是浮点型不支持导致后将其转成int型,发现还是报相同的错误。后面网上找到发现上面这中写法旧版是支持的,目前新版不在支持。# 该方式旧版支持 zadd: redis.zadd(REDIS_KEY, score, member) # 新版 # SORTED SET COMMANDS def zadd(self, name, mapping, nx=False, xx=False, ch=False, incr=False): """ Set any number of element-name, score pairs to the key ``name``. Pairs are specified as a dict of element-names keys to score values. ``nx`` forces ZADD to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. ``xx`` forces ZADD to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. ``ch`` modifies the return value to be the numbers of elements changed. Changed elements include new elements that were added and elements whose scores changed. ``incr`` modifies ZADD to behave like ZINCRBY. In this mode only a single element/score pair can be specified and the score is the amount the existing score will be incremented by. When using this mode the return value of ZADD will be the new score of the element. The return value of ZADD varies based on the mode specified. With no options, ZADD returns the number of new elements added to the sorted set. """ if not mapping: raise DataError("ZADD requires at least one element/score pair") if nx and xx: raise DataError("ZADD allows either 'nx' or 'xx', not both") if incr and len(mapping) != 1: raise DataError("ZADD option 'incr' only works when passing a " "single element/score pair") pieces = [] options = {} if nx: pieces.append(b'NX') if xx: pieces.append(b'XX') if ch: pieces.append(b'CH') if incr: pieces.append(b'INCR') options['as_score'] = True for pair in iteritems(mapping): pieces.append(pair[1]) pieces.append(pair[0]) return self.execute_command('ZADD', name, *pieces, **options)
# 正确的示例 redis.zadd(REDIS_KEY, {member:score})